Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Sourashtra Universal Revolutionary Youth Association(SURYA)

Sourashtra Universal Revolutionary Youth Association (SURYA) is one of the groups among the Sourashtra youths stationed at Bangalore (INDIA) as its headquarters. It is a group belonging to the Sourashtra community, which will be working towards the Upliftment of the Sourashtra community and people in making their living a better than its current conditions.

SURYA will be functioning at a global level. It is intended to unite all the youth Sourashtrians around the globe to work together in a good social cause towards sourashtra community upliftment and in development of Sourashtra Community.
SURYA is currently headed by Sri. Vishwanath of Adithya Eduction Instituions, Bangalore. The Office Bearers of Surya will be announced shortly on the after formally electing the Actively working Office bearers.

Free Service by Aditya Group of Institutes to SURYA
Free Education
Free Accomodation and Food at Bangalore for students
Free Disabetes and BP check up

SURYA is formed to work for the cause of upliftment of the Sourahstra Community by executing various plans for the same. It intends to unite all the Sourasthra Youth around the world under its banner to work unitedly in achieving its goals.
The plans and activities of SURYA will be announced regularly through the website and other communication channels to all the Sourashtra People living around the world.
SURYA intends to work very actively and rigorously in achieving its goals towards Sourahstra Community Development.

All Sourashtra Youths of the entire world are requested join hands with us to work towards this noble cause of upliftment of our Sourashtra Community and in betterment of Sourashtra Peoples living conditions, and in improvement of their standard of living.

All Sourashtra Youths in the Age group of 18 to 45 are requested to join us as members. There is no membership fee to join SURYA. It is free, so we request all youths in the world to join us. There are exciting plans for the future for Youths as well, so please joins us by entering the membership forms on the